The National Commission for and technoethics announces the new composition of the Group of Experts on COVID-19. The Group of Experts will support the Commission during the pandemic of the corona virus (COVID-19).
The members of the Group of Experts for the COVID-19 are:
- Costas Athanasakis, Health Economist, University of West Attica,
- Charalambos Gogos, Professor of Pathology and Infectious Diseases, Director of the Pathology Clinic of the University of Patras,
- Christina Dalla, Associate Professor of Pharmacology - Psychopaharmacology, Athens University,
- Nikos Dedes, General Secretary of the Panhellenic Patients’Union,
- Irini Kyriakaki, Special Scientist at the Ombudsman,
- Christos Lionis, Professor of General Practice and Primary Health Care at the School of Medicine, University of Crete,
- Takis Panagiotopoulos, Professor Emeritus of the Hellenic National School of Public Health (NSPH),
- Chrysanthi Sardeli, Associate Professor. Laboratory of Clinical Pharmacology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki,
- Kyriakos Souliotis, Professor of Health Policy at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Peloponnese,
- Panagiota Touloumi, Professor of Biostatistics and Epidemiology at the Medical School of National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (UoA),
- Nikolaos Christodoulou, Associate Professor Psychiatry,University of Thessaly.